IFT Convention: A Call for Delegates
IFT Convention Call!
The Local 1211 Executive Board is in the process of selecting delegates to the 2022 IFT Convention. The convention will be held October 21-23, 2022 at the Marriot St. Louis Grand Hotel, St. Louis Missouri. The IFT convention is the policy-making body of the IFT. Delegates will vote on national resolutions and attend specific committee meetings.
The number of delegates will be based on the Local budget approved by the Local Executive Board and the IFT constitution formula based on Local membership. Each Council will have a maximum number of delegates based on councils membership.
If the number of applications received EXCEEDS the number of delegates to which Local 1211 is entitled, then an election will be held in each building to determine who will serve. Candidate applications will be distributed to the membership prior to the election.
If the number of applications DOES NOT EXCEED the number of delegates to which Local 1211 is entitled, then the names of those applying will be approved as delegates by the Executive Board.
If you are interested in being a delegate and attend this year’s IFT Convention, please complete the form and send it by August 8, 2022. All applications must be received by the Local by the deadline of August 8, 2022 to be considered by the Executive Board.