SPRING, 2009
I. Name and Affiliation
Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Northwest Suburban Teachers Union, Local
Section 2 Local 1211 shall maintain affiliations with the Illinois
and American Federation of Teachers and the Illinois AFL-CIO and its Local
Labor Councils if such exist.
II. Objectives
1 The objectives of the Northwest Suburban Teachers Union are
aimed toward improving the status of teachers, para-professionals and school
related personnel that shall in turn provide better educational opportunities
for all students.
Section 2 To initiate in and support activities that will secure desired
state and local legislation.
Section 3 To be responsible for communications between our
councils, members, and affiliates.
Section 4 To maintain an office and provide necessary staff and
materials for conducting Union business.
Section 5 To
organize interested educational workers.
Section 6 To provide legal council for members or councils when
deemed necessary.
Article III Structure
Section 1 Qualified personnel including retirees and At-large
members may, with the majority consent of the Local 1211 Executive Board, organize
themselves into a council of the Northwest Suburban Teachers Union.
Section 2 Each council shall elect its own officers, hold
meetings, and administer its own affairs;
elect its own delegate(s) to the Executive Board by secret ballot to
serve a two-year term; adopt its own constitution consistent with that of the
Northwest Suburban Teachers Union.
Section 3 The Executive Board shall have the power to conduct the
business affairs of the Northwest Suburban Teachers Union, including, but not
limited to, the power to execute on its behalf any or all of the following:
Employ attorneys,
advisors, accountants, agents and other persons having skills needed in the
conduct of business.
Adopt an official identity and have sole
authority for its use.
Dispose of property, make
contracts and incur liabilities to accomplish any or all of its purposes.
Invest the funds of the
Northwest Suburban Teachers Union and take and hold real or personal property
as security for funds so invested or loaned.
Article IV Membership
Section 1 Eligibility
for membership shall conform to the AFT Constitution and the IFT Constitution.
Section 2 Any qualified school personnel and non-credited educational
workers outside a recognized Council may be admitted to membership in the Local
1211 At-Large Members Council until such times as a majority or minority
council of Local 1211 is formally established in his/her school district.
Section 3 Members, who have been dropped from the rolls of Local 1211
due to withdrawal or non-payment of dues, may apply for reinstatement during
the first thirty (30) days of the next fiscal year.
Section 4 Members may be expelled from this organization, Local 1211,
but no member may be expelled except on written charges presented by the unit
making the charges at a regular meeting of the Executive Board and sustained by
a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board.
At the request of the defendant, the decision of the Executive Board
shall be submitted by referendum to the membership. A member, against whom charges are made,
has the right to appear before the Executive Board at the meeting when the
charges are presented; moreover, he must be notified in writing by the
Executive Board at least ten days before the said meeting.
Section 5 Retired members in good standing with Local 1211 are eligible to join the Retired Members Council.
Article V.
The Executive Board
Section 1 The
Executive Board of Local 1211 shall consist of a president, vice-president,
treasurer and secretary, and delegates from affiliated councils. They shall be elected in alternate years
beginning in May 2009. Vacancies
that occur between elections shall be filled as described in Section 3, B.
A. The President shall preside over all
meetings of the Executive
Board and General Membership.
Be ex-officio member of
all committees.
Be the spokesperson for
the Local to the media.
B. The Vice President shall perform the
duties of the President when the President is absent and specific Union
assignments as well as perform specific Union duties as assigned.
C. The Treasurer shall be the chief
financial officer of the Local.
1. Shall
collect all money and receipts for Union expenses.
2. Shall
make all deposits and pay financial obligations of the Local as directed by the
Executive Board.
3. Shall
chair the budget committee and prepare the annual budget.
4. Will
arrange for a professional audit hired by the Executive Board to prepare for
the annual audit required by the IFT and AFT.
The Secretary
Shall prepare minutes of
the Executive Board and shall present said minutes to the general membership.
He/she will chair the
Election Committee
He/she shall compile and
present all communications concerning Local publications and Scholarship
opportunities to the general membership.
He/she shall oversee the
maintenance and operation of the Local website.
Section 2 The following shall be the standing committees of the
Local: Political Action, Communications, Elections, Organizing, and Office
A. Chairpersons
of the standing committees shall be appointed by the President with the
approval of the elected members of the Executive Board.
Chairperson of the
standing committees shall be members of the Executive Board.
The committee
chairperson will recommend members of the committee to the Executive Board for
their approval.
Standing Committee
members will meet as necessary to carry out their responsibilities.
B. Ad
hoc Committees may be created by the President for specific tasks.
1. Chairpersons
of ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of
the elected members of the Executive Board.
2. Membership
on ad hoc committees shall be on the recommendation by the President and
approved by the Executive Board.
Section 3 Each Council shall have one delegate on the Executive Board
for the First one hundred (100) members, or part thereof. Additional delegates
will be based on each additional one hundred (100) members or major part
thereof (51).
Section 4 Officers and delegates shall serve two (2) years terms.
Section 5 Officers may succeed themselves subject to election.
Section 6 Vacancies in the offices of Vice President, Treasurer, and
Secretary shall be filled by Presidential appointment with approval of the
Executive Board.
Section 7 The Vice President shall fill a vacancy in the office of
Section 8 In the event of the disability of the President, the Vice
President shall serve as "Acting President� and shall fill the duties of
the President.
Section 9 The respective Councils will fill vacancies in the office
of delegate.
Section 10 The Executive Board shall have the authority to set
stipends for its officers and delegates respectively.
Section 1 The Executive Board shall meet monthly a minimum of nine
(9) times between August and June.
A. A quorum
for the purpose of doing business shall consist of the President and 50% of the
membership of the Executive Board.
B. Meetings
of the Local membership may be called by:
1. The President.
2. Petition of 10% of
the Local membership as a whole.
3. A majority of the
Executive Board.
C. The
quorum for Local 1211 membership meetings shall be a majority of the Local
Section 2 The president may employ electronic voting in the absence
of an Executive Board meeting, or when necessary and/or appropriate to
conducting the business of the Local.
Section 3 All meetings of this organization shall be governed by
Roberts Rules of Order.
Article VII Elections
Section 1
A. Candidates
for a Local office shall be nominated no later than March 31st by
one of the following procedures:
1. By
open membership meetings within each council.
2. By
petitions bearing no less than twenty five (25) signatures of members in good
standing. Such petitions shall be
submitted to the Election Committee chairperson.
B. Elections
will be held in April on a date set by the Election Committee.
C. The
Election Committee shall conduct a lottery to determine the sequence of both candidates�
statements and names on ballots.
D. Voting
will be by both electronic and paper secret ballots.
E. Candidates
shall win by a majority vote.
F. The
Election Committee shall provide for absentee balloting.
G. All elections of
Local 1211 and its councils will meet the standards of the Landrum-Griffin Act.
Section 2 Delegates to the Executive Board shall
be elected by their council in accordance with the by-laws or constitution
governing that council.
Section 3 Newly elected officers and delegates shall assume their
respective positions immediately following the presentation of the final vote
totals to the membership.
Article VIII. Recall Elections
Section 1 Officers may be removed from office for neglect of duty
or other behavior contrary to the welfare of this organization upon completion
of the following steps:
A. Presenting
a petition signed by seventy-five (75) members in good standing and containing
reasons for the proposed recall shall be submitted to the Executive Board at
any regular meeting of that Board.
B. After
determining that it is a legal petition the Executive Board shall vote. No more than forty-five (45) days may
elapse between step A of the procedure and the vote.
C. The
recall vote must be taken by written ballot and requires two-thirds (2/3) of
those present and voting in agreement to pass.
Section 2 Delegates may be removed from their position on the Board
in accordance with the by-laws of their respective Councils.
Article IX.
Section 1 All dues shall include per capita assessments for the
individual Council, Local IFT, AFT, CFL, IFL, AFL-CIO, and professional
liability insurance.
Section 2 Each Council shall establish a dues rate above Local
dues. Each Council President shall
notify the Local Treasurer of said dues by September 1st of each
year unless it is mutually agreed to postpone the decision.
Section 3 Method of payment:
A. All
dues shall be sent directly from school districts to the Council's
B. The
Council Treasurer shall forward appropriate money to Local Treasurer within 30
C. All
members and fee payers shall be enrolled in payroll deduction at their school
Section 4 Dues shall reflect changes that occur in state, national
and local needs.
Section 5 Non-Payment of dues:
Any member who becomes
30 days delinquent in dues payment shall be automatically dropped from
Any member who has been dropped from the membership due to
nonpayment of dues decides to rejoin the Union shall be required to pay back
dues for the current school year and a $10.00 reinstatement fee.
Section 6 The fiscal year of this organization shall begin
September 1st and end August 31 of the following calendar year.
Section 7 Dues for members of the Retired Council shall only be those
of the IFT.
Article X. The Budget
Section 1 The annual budget may be prepared by a budget committee
composed of the officers of the Local and one (1) representative of each
council, with the Treasurer serving as chairperson.
Section 2 The Budget shall be prepared and distributed to each
council no later than April 30th.
Section 3 The Budget shall be considered for approval at the May
Executive Board meeting. Approval
shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board present and
Article XI. Conventions
Section 1 All delegates to
the IFT and AFT conventions shall be elected in a Local-wide election. If the President of the Local is
elected, he/she shall serve as ranking delegate.
Section 2 The number of delegates
to be sent by the Local to the IFT and AFT conventions will be determined by
the allocations from the IFT and the AFT and in accord with each council's per
capita. If there are fewer candidates for delegate than those allocated by the
IFT and AFT, those candidates will be elected by proclamation.
Section 3 The Local will
fund its President, if elected, as a delegate to the IFT and AFT
conventions. All other delegates
shall be funded equally by the Local Executive Board.
Article XII.
Section 1 Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by any
of the following:
A. The
Executive Board
B. The
Governing Board of any council.
C. A
petition signed by twenty (20) percent of the Local membership.
Section 2 All proposed amendments shall be presented to the entire
Local membership at least one (1) week prior to a ratification vote.
Section 3 Ratification of a proposed amendment requires a
three-fifths (3/5) vote of those Local members voting in a ratification
Local 1211 Executive
Board/Approved: March
12, 2009